Jobs for the month.
Continue winter digging if not already completed. On light soils or soils heavily infested with perennial weeds digging with a fork will be advantagious as you run less of a risk of splitting the weed root and making the infestation worse.
How to dig
- Take out a trench 15 inches wide and the full depth of a spade. Barrow the spoil from this trench to the other end of the area you are digging as this will be required to back fill the final trench.
- Fork the bottom of this trench and turn in organic matter or well rotted compost removing any perennial weed root and debris as you go.
- Dig out the next trench and as you are lifting each spadefull, twist the spade to reverse the soil into the 1st trench.
Continue to harvest Brussels Sprouts, Kales and Spinach Beet. Lift Jerusalem Artichoke, Leeks and Parsnip as needed.
Sow broad beans (in open ground if soil conditions are suitable) Alternatively sow in pots in the glasshouse or cold frame for planting later in the season.
Plant Jerusalem Artichokes and Shallots if conditions allow.
Finish pruning top fruit whilst the stock is still dormant.
Prepare trenches for runner beans. Take out a legnth of trench as required and backfill with well rotted manure, compost, kithchen waste etc and replace the excavated soil over the top of the backfill.