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Wednesday, 29 December 2010

long time no post

It's been a long time since we last posted. Time just seems to gallop on. Further clearing work has happened on one of the vegatable quarters but the main focus has been on this years christmas tree sales therefore little progress has been made in the walled garden.

It has been frozen solid and under several inches of snow for over a month now but we are hoping to make more progress in the new year.

Every year we sell top quality fresh christmas trees, holly wreaths and natural decorations. This particular job is all time consuming throughout November and December.

The weather this month has made all work including christmas sales very difficult has we have been rcording tempratures as low as minus 13 degrees C.

We now have some new additions to the menagerie in the form of tropical fish. We now have a selection of moonlight, kissing and pearl gouramis. platy's and neon tetras a schoal of zebra danio's a rather large angel fish and the stars of the show, three catfish. with all of the hundreds of TV channels available with nothing to watch the fish are far more facinating and entertaining.